
1 Identification of the substance/preparation

Commercial name CERALOY

Data Manufacturer / Trader

Neirynck & Vogt N.V.
Molenberglei 22
B-2627 Schelle
Information source: devision consumables production
Telephone: (32) 03-843 20 12
Telefax: (32) 03-843 20 13

2 Composition/information on ingredients

Chemical Characterisation : ( ) product ( x ) preparation

The alloy Ceraloy contains Ni max; 67%, Cr 23%, Mo 10%, C,Si,Fe It also contains Molybdän.

Dangerous components: none

3 Special hazards information for man and environment

Most important dangers are :

- Products reacting with other components ( see N° 10 )
- emission of Smoke, Gasses, Dust; Skin contact ( see N° 11 )
- burning of the dust in free air ( see N° 5 )

4 First Aid Measures

After Inhalation:

- When large portions were inhaled, or when an Asthm attack starts,
one has to contact a doctor.

After skin contact :

- Rinse the afflicted zones with lots of water or take a shower.
- Take off the poluted clothes and wash them before re-using.
- Longer and repeated contacts with skin are to be avoided.
- After usage, take a bath .

After contact with eyes :

- Rinse minimum 15 minutes with water.

After swallowing :

- When a large amount was swallowed : provoque vomitting when the person;
has full consiousness
- Contact a doctor.

5 Fire-Fighting measures

Alloys of Nickel and Chrome procure no danger for fire or explosion.
When such alloy it brought in very fine condition (dust), it could lead to Explosion in free air.

Fire extictors : Water, CO2, foam

Fire extinctors not to use for security reasons : none

Risks resulting from the burning or from ist gasses : poisonning ( see N° 11 )

Special fire extintor installations: respiratory device and protection clothing are recommended.

6 Accidental release measures

Individual messures : avoid formation of dust

Messures for environment : not necessary

Cleaning methods: not necessary

7 Handling and storage

Treathment : Same caution as with all chemical substances.

Stocking : No special messures required for stocking the alloy .

8 Limits of exposure and personnal protection

Extra indications on technical devices : ( see N° 7 )

Personal Protection equipment:

- Inhalation : When the solid form of the Nickel-Chrom-alloy, during the Production,
changes in dust or smoke, keep the environmental conditions under the
indicated limits ; ( Cr < 0,050 mg/ m3 ; Co < 0,050 mg / m3 )
When the airconditionning is not sufficient, use a correct inhaling protection.

- protection of hands : protection gloves

- Eye protection : protection glasses

- Skin protection : proper clothing

9 Physical and Chemical Properties

Exterior aspects

Form : Solid
Colour : Silvergray
Smell : no smell

Securety relevant data

Liquification in air : none

Melting point : > 1.200°C

PH : not applicable

Flash point : not applicable

Self burning : not applicable

Explosion capacities : not applicable

Air pressure leading to burning (Standard) : Unknown

Absolute density (Standard) : 8,1 – 8,2 g*cm-3

Solution capacities : unsolluble in water

Solution in grease : unsolluble

Repartition coefficient : not apllicable

10 Stability and Reactivity

Conditions to avoid : Under certain circumstances
(High pressure, high carbon concentration )
Toxical Nickel Karbonyl could be formed.

Substances to avoid : Ammonium Nitrate, Hydrazin, Alkali, Oxiding acids

Dangerous residual products : Hydrogen can be formed in contact with acids

Necessary or present Stabilisors : Not applicable

Eventual exothermical dangerous Reactions : Not applicable

Possible Aggregate form changes : Not applicable

Dangerous derivates in cantact with water : Not applicable

General indications : In normal conditions stable and no decomposition.

Hazardous decomposition products : Not known if used as indicated

11 Toxicological information

Under normal working conditions, the composition of Nickel-Chrome alloys is not very Dangerous.
When small particals are formed, then there may be an acute toxicological risk

After inhaling : Very rare are Astm attacs due to the dust provoqued.
One can see some influences on the gastro intestinal and inhalation canals.

After skin contact : Nickel-Chrome alloys could provoque inflammation or allergical reactions
to sensitive persons.

After eye contact : Inflammations, due to mechanical reasons. Workers who were in contact with electolitical aerosols, have shown eye inflammations.

After swallowing : Nickel-Chrome alloys are not absorbed by the darm canals.
The swallowing of lots of alloy could procure intestinal pains,
vomiting or poisonning.
When swallowing alloy over a long time span, kidny problems can arise.

12 Ecological information

Changeability : Not applicable

Resistance or break down : Not known

Bio obstuction potential : Studies on Nickel in the water evacuation chain have shown
Nickelkoncentration in or on the evacuation chain.
This demonstrates that there is no risk of damage to this water
evacuation chain.

Watertoxity : Above 0,05 mg/l Nickel is toxical. Nickel has an acute toxical
effect on fishes and amphibies.

Indications for ellimination : No special indications

Specific indication : Do not flush into sanitary water system

13 Disposal considerations

Follow state rulings and consider help from specialized firms.

14 Tansport information

Landtransport : Class/Number/Capital Letter

River shiptransport : Class/Number/Capital Letter

Sea shiptransport : Class

Air transport : Class

15 Regulatory information

Indications after EG-Ruling

Danger indications
Product contents

Other Indications : No indications after GefSoffV (26.08.86)

National ruling

Indications for treatment restictions Not Applicable
Rules on separation possibilities VbF Not Applicable
TA-Air Not Applicable
Water danger class Not Applicable

16 Other information

With the above indications, reflecting our actual state of knowledge and
experience, we want to give an insight of the security data of our products,
though we do not include to that any capacity affirmations or quality restrictions.


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