25 years of dental experience learns that precicision required in dental restaurations can only be achieved if one pays attention to the details of the basic products and techniques.


On this Website you can find:
Dental Investments, Z4, MG-Vest, SunVest, Phosphate bonded, Rapid cast, Shock heat, Alloys, Ceraloy, Chroloy, Bioloy, Sprueing, Casting, Pressable Ceramics, Techniques, Trainings, News, Metal free, Duplicating Silicone, NV-SIL, NV-GEL, Orbit, Impression, Trays, Waxes, Brushes, Quickcheck, Hydro Air Carver, n&v, Info, Modellation, Partial, C&B, Manufactures, Andorra Trading, Worldwide Industries, neirynckandvogt.


Neirynck & Vogt  - Molenberglei 22 - 2627 Schelle - Belgium - Tel.: +32 (0)3 843 20 12 - Fax : +32 (0)3 843 20 13
E-mail: info@nv-nv.com


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